Our Services
Firewall Management
Reduces your security risk dramatically, quickly.
Secure X believes in enabling businesses to secure their networks and elevate their security maturity swiftly. Through collaborative efforts with our clients, we establish a managed firewall program to reduce their security risks significantly.
Our Secure X Managed Firewall Service equips clients with seasoned engineers who monitor and manage their firewalls 24/7. This service ensures network security through expert firewall monitoring, tuning, and configuration optimisation, guaranteeing device health and swift response to critical issues.
Your security is our priority. This service ensures network security through expert firewall monitoring, tuning, and configuration optimisation, guaranteeing device health and swift response to critical issues.
Our service ensures that the firewall is running in an optimal condition, and includes the following:

Monitoring the performance of the device’s memory, CPU, disk space and bandwidth utilisation.

Device uptime availability.

Automatic configuration backups after committed changes.

Operating System
Ensuring that the operating system of the firewall is running the latest, stable version compromised.

Signatures and Security Updates
Ensuring the latest signatures and security updates are applied to the firewall and UTM features.

Performing scheduled analysis of the rule base and general health of the system.

Provide a monthly report of these services.

Monitor and notification of known exploited vulnerabilities.