Our Services

Elevate Your Defense with Secure Sphere

Secure Sphere delivers comprehensive cybersecurity services, including Compromise Assessment for identifying compromises, SOC as a Service for real-time threat monitoring, DFIR for incident response, Managed Detection and Response services, Firewall Management for risk reduction, and cutting-edge Technical Services to fortify your cybersecurity infrastructure.

Compromise Assessment

A Compromise Assessment is a thorough and systematic examination of an organisation’s information systems, networks, and endpoints with the primary goal of identifying any signs of compromise, unauthorized access, or malicious activity.

SOC as a Service

Our Security Operations Centre (SOC) is built on industry-leading cyber security solutions and manned 24/7/365, with a human response team monitoring and responding to threats in real-time.

Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) is a critical field within the cybersecurity domain that specializes in the identification, investigation, and remediation of cyberattacks.

Managed Detection, Response and Remediation Service

Our response can range from highlighting potential threats and informing the relevant client contacts (known as MDR – Managed Detection and Response) to proactively mitigating the threat at the endpoint (known as MDR & Remediate – Managed Detection, Response and Remediate).

Firewall Management

Secure Sphere believes that businesses can secure their networks and enhance their security maturity quickly. We collaborate with our clients to establish a managed firewall program that reduces their security risk dramatically.

Technical Services

Secure Sphere offers cutting-edge technology solutions that fortify your cybersecurity infrastructure.